Whether you are looking to be initiated or learn more about virtual reality and the metaverse existing platforms our VR introduction sessions are here to feed. Learning with peers in the community through our calendar activities led by our VR team will teach you the virtual ropes. If you wish to get more out of your personal experience on the metaverse we host the latest peer review meta findings.  
We customize sessions for businesses to embarq their team, leverage remote coworking, interviewing training new employees #LMS and networking experiences. We create private access for a coffee space because working remotely should not take connection out of the equation. We will show you how and how fast you can get moving and all this in the comfort of everyone’s own space. How amazing is this? We provide both hardware and software support rentals.
#VRintroduction #metaverse #virtualrealitylearning #communitylearning #peerreview #businessVRtraining #remotecoworking #interviewtraining #networking #LMS #privatespace #hardwareandsupportrentals

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