VR offers an experience that is interactive, personal and experience! 
Virtual reality technology is: 
  • 5 times more engaging than traditional media – (PWC 2022)
  • Offers a 72% higher recall rate, by far more than any other media – (Marketing Dive 2021)
  • A VR animation is the certainty that participants will remember you! 
  • 81% of users talk about their VR experience around them -(Greenlight VR study) 
  • Present your products interactively to customers, take your potential customers on a journey in an instant! 
VR appeals to the visual (images and videos) and auditory senses. A picture is worth 1,000 words, a video is worth 60,000 images and VR video – especially a stereoscopic image – is worth far more than 60,000,000 words! 
It is immersive and captures the user’s full attention in a VR headset. This allows for better recall and a stronger impression of the experience on the viewer. 
It is interactive, if you add navigation overlays or access points to your presentation. This allows your audience to navigate to the information or media they want, and also allows you to add informative or entertaining image or video based access points. 
It’s easily accessible, both for you experiencing using iFeelvirtual, but also for your employees, partners and customers. We can create an iOS/Android application that users can easily access on their phone whenever they want. 
Start with a goal in mind 
The first step in creating a compelling VR caption is to decide what the objective is. Once you have the objective, it will inform other issues like how to create the app and distribute it. It will even help you determine what type of 360-degree media you want to use – images, video or VXF. 
Do you want your presentation to educate the user? 
Our main goal will be to educate or inform. For the most interesting visual presentation, we offer panels overlaid in the 360 space, which users can interact with to get more information. 
Imagine an office tour where information zones (AR – augmented reality) are added to give you facts about the company. So in the presentation you don’t just see the office and the workers, you learn something.
Do you want your presentation to transport the user? 
One of the great benefits of VR is its ability to immersively transport users to a new location. A company can use 360-degree videos to immersively transport users across the country, or across the world. 
can set up a compelling VR experience before and after to show how a product or service optimises the performance and quality of life of your customers. 
This type of application can then be used by the salespeople themselves. Introducing the new technology as part of a presentation at a promotional event is a nice change from the typical PowerPoint presentation seen at such meetings. 
The introduction of any new innovation allows you to position yourself on the market as a leader and even a precursor, to make yourself known to a new clientele that is on the lookout and open to change. 
Your production will aim to ……… your audience. 

©2024 iFeelvirtuel Inc

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